Children with OSAS may also have behavioral problems

Children With OSAS May Have Behavioral Problems

Many children snore. In fact, it is estimated that between 3% and 12% of preschool age children snore. The majority of these children are well, without other symptoms, and have primary snoring.

Though a growing percentage of children that snore, can also develop obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), a condition that is being increasingly recognized by physicians as a leading contributor of school and behavior problems in many children.

A recent guideline from the American Academy of Pediatrics, Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, should help Pediatricians more readily recognize, diagnosis and treat children with OSAS.

How do you know if your child is just a normal snorer or if he has obstructive sleep apnea? Children who snore and do not have OSAS should be otherwise well, without daytime sleepiness and they should have normal sleep patterns. In contrast to normal primary snoring, children with OSAS usually have disrupted sleep with short 'pauses, snorts, or gasps' in their sleep. Children with OSAS may also have behavioral problems, a short attention span and problems at school.

Other signs or symptoms might include:

large tonsils and/or adenoids with frequent mouth breathing, hyponasal speech and nasal obstruction
poor weight gain
being overweight
high blood pressure

Testing can be done if it is suspected that your child has OSAS, including an overnight sleep study (nocturnal polysomnography). Unfortunately, it may be hard to find a hospital or central that does pediatric sleep studies unless you live in a large metropolitan area.

Other testing may include audiotaping or videotaping your child's sleep, although you would likely need a specialist to interpret the tapes, use of overnight pulse oximetry to measure oxygen levels while he sleeps, or just performing a sleep study during a day time nap. These other tests have been shown to be useful if they do show OSAS, but a child may still have OSAS if these tests are normal, so further testing may need to be done if the testing is normal but it is still suspected that your child has sleep apnea.

Once it is determined that your child has obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, it will be time to discuss treatment options, which usually include removing enlarged adenoids and tonsils (adenotonsillectomy). Other treatments might include treating a child's allergies and helping overweight children lose weight. Anti-snoring therapy with a nasal mask or jaw supporters are another treatment option for children who can't have surgery or who continue to have obstructive sleep apnea after their adenoids and tonsils are removed.

Doctors that specialize in treating children with OSAS include pediatric otolaryngologists (ENT specialist), pulmonologists, and neurologists. If your Pediatrician diagnoses your child with obstructive sleep apnea, you will likely need to see one of these doctors. Be sure to find one that has experience taking care of children with this problem. You might also see a specialist if you suspect that your child has OSA and testing is negative or if you are unable to get any testing done.

Remember to be especially suspicious that your child may have OSA if he regularly snores and has apnea, daytime sleepiness, and/or school and behavioral problems.

Reference: Clinical Practice Guideline: Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, Pediatrics.